HUFFINGTON POST: Last Days of Judas Iscariot Directed by Estelle Parsons

The Actors Studio Production of Guirgis' provocative play centers on the trial of a now-comatose Judas Iscariot (Gabriel Furman). In Purgatory, fiery defense attorney Fabiana Aziza Cunningham (Suzanne DiDonna) faces off against sycophantic prosecutor Yusef El-Fayoumy (Dan Grimaldi) to appeal her client's eternal damnation. While colorful witnesses like Mother Teresa (Bob Adrian), Sigmund Freud (Timothy Doyle), and Satan (Javier Molina) take the stand, Biblical figures pop up in standalone scenes to share their memories of Jesus. Ultimately the biggest questions are left for the audience's consideration: What is faith? What is friendship? What do you believe?